Using this method you can hack any Account like Facebook ,Twitter, Gmail, Hotmail ,Skype and yahoo
etc. this works on LAN(local Area Network) . its best place to hack at university, cafe public place where computer
are on one LAN simple example WI-Fi.

What is Cookies And how is it used in stealing?
cookies? => Cookies are file’s that stored on any computer’s By any website when a you visits them . The.Cookie used by the web server
to check the authenticate the Real user . Like you Enter Login in Facebook then a unique string’s Generated and one copy saved in the web
server and other is saved on your browser as a Cookie file both are matched when you open an Account.
so then finally we will start.

Step 1:
Download the Wire Shark and
install it.

Step 2:
Next open the wire shark and then click on

Step 3:
Next choose a interface which is received and sending packet and click on start

Step 4:
Continue the sniffing for around like 10 minutes.

Step 5:
After a maximum 10 minute stop the sniffing by going to a
capture menu.

It is an important step,
Now filter to http. cookie contains “datr”.Then fillter the all search for http cookies with a name of datr and there is Facebook authentication’ s cookie.

Step 7:
Now click on it and then goto the  copy > Bytes> Printable Text only

Step 8:
Now for next step you mustll have 3 things,
1. Mozilla Firefox [browser]
2. Grease Monkey[add-on]
3. Cookie injector[code]
and then open facebook. com, make sure you have not logged-in

Step 9:
Press the button Alt C to bring up a cookie injector and then Simply paste in a cookie value into it.

Step 10:
Now refresh your page so then finally you Enter the Victim's Account.

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